Zorgmakelaar PGB 2009

Auteur Bericht
Geplaatst: zaterdag 29 Mei 2010 12:20
Is there someone that has PGB money in the zorgmakelaar's bank that has to be paid back to the Zorgkantoor? My question is, did you have to pay it back or have you been able to delay payment until the curator finishes his investigations.

Nelly cry:
Pim Geplaatst: zondag 30 Mei 2010 21:45
Dear Nelly,

Ik think you are referring to a specific company which was doing business under the flag of being a carebroker (zorgmakelaar) but went bankrupt.

I think you should contact the careoffice (zorgkantoor) to explain the situation and ask what your actions should be next. Be aware of the fact that they should sent you confirmations if you are granted a delay in paying back money.

Also there has been an issue with the company called Raad en Daad where recently was announced that the careoffice of CZ was laying all claims of not returned money to the carebroker.

(sadly in dutch only)

If you want specific help, have specific questions or need a bit of translation, let me know.

Pim van der Most

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