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Ayesha uit Eindhoven

Notitie (alleen voor jezelf zichtbaar)
Foto Ayesha uit Eindhoven
  1. 25 jaar
  2. Eindhoven
  3. -
  4. -
  1. Engels Afrikaans

Over Ayesha

Hello! I'm a recent MSc graduate in Psychology of Education from University College London, with a deep passion for working with children, especially those with special needs. My academic background in psychology provides me with substantial knowledge of the social and neuro-cognitive aspects of learning, which I apply to help children thrive in both educational and personal development.

I have hands-on experience as a Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant, where I worked closely with children to enhance their cognitive, motor, and emotional skills. Through activities such as arts and crafts, structured games, and personalized support, I’ve been able to foster confidence, improve fine motor skills, and help children better understand and manage their emotions. My ability to adapt to each child’s unique needs, combined with my creativity and strong communication skills, allows me to create an engaging and supportive environment that promotes holistic growth. I have also done private tutoring, where I’ve supported students in various subjects by tailoring my teaching approach to meet their individual learning styles and needs. This has involved creating a focused, distraction-free environment, adapting to the school curriculum, and closely collaborating with parents to track progress and address areas for improvement.

In addition to my experience working with children, I also have significant experience in personal care. For about three years, I assisted my boyfriend's grandmother, who had dementia. This role involved providing daily care, managing challenging behaviors, and ensuring her well-being. This experience has honed my patience, empathy, and ability to handle complex and sensitive situations—skills that are invaluable when working with children who have special needs.

What sets me apart is my compassionate approach and commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those I care for. I am driven by a genuine desire to support children in reaching their full potential, helping them gain independence, and enhancing their overall functional abilities. My strong work ethic, coupled with my ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team, ensures that I can provide the best possible care.

I am eager to continue gaining experience and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of children with special needs, while offering reliable, personalized care to support their families.


yes.gif Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag (VOG)
Beschikt over een Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag (VOG): een verklaring waaruit blijkt dat het gedrag geen bezwaar oplevert voor het gevraagde doel, bijvoorbeeld het leveren van zorg.
yes.gif Inschrijving Kvk
Beschikt over een inschrijving bij de Kamer van Koophandel
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Beschikt over een een aansluiting bij een klachtencommissie. Hulpen zijn verplicht een regeling treffen voor het afhandelen van klachten.

Lid van branchevereniging:

Hulpaanbod & tarieven
  1. Kinderdagverblijf: €20 - 25
    Nanny: €20 - 25
    Naschoolse opvang: €20 - 25
    Oppas: €20 - 25
    Begeleiding: €20 - 25
Kan het volgende doen:
  1. Meld je aan of login om de handelingen te bekijken.

Extra info
  1. Ja
  2. 1
  3. Nee
  4. Nee
  5. t/m 50km
  6. Nee
  7. Nee
Opleiding en ervaring
  1. Bekijk CV van Ayesha
  2. 2 jaar
  3. Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant 2 months Wings for Special Needs, Johannesburg, South Africa
    Au pair 6 months Private - Johannesburg, South Africa
    Childminder (weekends) 1.5 years Private - Johannesburg, South Africa
  4. MSc Psychology of Education University College London, England, UK icons/yes.gifdiploma
    Bachelor of Social Science Honours Psychology University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa icons/yes.gifdiploma
    Bachelor of Arts (majors: Psychology & Education) University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa icons/yes.gifdiploma
  5. Baby Kinderen
  6. Deze specifieke ervaring is alleen voor geregistreerde gebruikers

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    ochtend jajajajaneeneenee
    middag janeeneeneejaneenee
    avond neeneeneeneejaneenee
    nacht neeneeneeneeneeneenee
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