Hulpvraag van Emeline (voor kind)
Zorgverlener die ongeveer 1 x per maand 2 tot 4 dagen naar Keulen (Rodenkirchen) wil komen.
Daarnaast indien interesse, af en toe mee wil op vakantie. Meestal naar Frankrijk.
Het hele gezin spreekt (of begrijpt) Engels, Duits en Frans.
Verblijf in semi-apartement in de woning van het gezin.
French family (Speaking English, German and French) living in Cologne (Germany) with their 2 daughters, looking for a caregiver for their 8 years old daughter born with a genetic disorder.
Margaux has a cerebellum malformation.
She is developing very slowly but is making constant progresses. She is a very happy child who loves to be with others and be entertained but can also entertain herself. She goes to an “inclusive” school 2km away from home.
She cannot yet walk and talk and still has to be fed. She has learned to help with transfers. She has found her way to make herself understood.
We are both working and Margaux’s older sister also needs attention and time from us.
In order to support us, we are looking for a caregiver ready to come to Cologne 2 to 4 days in a row around once a month and potentially to join us also during some holidays, most of the time in France.
Typical working time in Cologne during school time:
7am-8:30am: dress-up, give breakfast, bring to school
2:45pm-7:30pm: pick-up at school, playful time (Förderung”), prepare dinner and feed her, give a shower and prepare for bed
Extra hours in the evening may be sometimes requested.
In case of care giving during holidays or week-end, the working time may vary.
Lodging: we leave in a 2 floors house. The second floor is a fully equipped apartment which can be used for free by the caregiver. The entrance to the apartment is through the house.
Languages spoke: Englisch, German, French
Qualification: An interest in helping to support development. Experience in “psychomotricity” or similar would be a +. No need to have nurse/medical experience
Remuneration: according to experience and qualification (uurtarief in overleg)